Home - School - knowledge exchange
Our HSKE IdeaOverall our project's mission is to provide a participatory educational internet radio service focused on (a) enhancing local learning experiences and (b) sharing value / insight into the natural unities of maths, culture, art, nature and science. We are about advancing integrative (unifying) approaches to learning with radio acting as a central dynamic in a broad range of intelligently connected media, ILTs, ICTs and educative platforms.
We will be working with several community centres in Tottenham, between them we are building a ground braking kind of internet radio provision and around this we intend to develop well supported Home-School Knowledge Exchange (HSKE ) projects with local “schools” which we define broadly as “centres of determined learning” e.g. libraries, youth provision, learning projects/events, children's centres, primary and secondary schools etc. uLearn Naturally Radio and The Futurist periodical seeks to create community led infrastructure that allows the home-learning centre connection to work in better and more innovative ways thereby raising learning outcomes and impacts. We will keep the most detailed listing of local educational events to allow local people an easy way (portal) to address their (family) learning interests. Our online system will capture searches and the ongoing local educational wish-list to help local educators and service providers gain insight to interest and need. It is distinctive that the project is localised yet it is our intention to harness the dynamic of local knowledge exchanges / developments and translate them to other localities Haringey-wide, Hackney-wide, Lambeth-wide , London-wide, nationally and globally. uLearn Naturally Radio will: 1) build relations and partnerships with local learning centres. 2) create documentaries (audio and visual) of local learning experiences and make their essential and inspiring elements indexed, public and archived. - provide platforms for educators to share additional related resources and references - provide user friendly ways for participants and the community in general to share their interests, experiences and knowledge about local learning events and their educative principles. - - This will include ways for them and the educator/facilitator to engage with each other in moderated ways that ensure professional efficacy of the home-learning centre knowledge exchange idea. 3) Manage a client relationship management (CRM) system detailing relevant info on all members of the project; parents/families, educators/teachers/facilitators, organisations and statutory agencies. The intention of our CRM is to enable high quality customisations of the service to members' needs and desires. 4) In the first year develop and deliver a core schedule of at least three weekly live shows / podcasts; - for children and young people - for parents, families and the general community - for educators/teachers/facilitators 5) In the second year develop comprehensive plans for three focused pilot projects with whole cohorts of learners (classes) supporting the application of HSKE in partnership with local schools (uLearn HSKE Project). The intention is to raise attainment in Numeracy, Maths, Science, English Literacy, World & Root Language appreciation, Art (in all forms), Physical Education (inc. integrations to body movement arts and sports). These projects will be well monitored and evidenced with control studies. - The landmark HSKE Project of 2007 is reported on in summary with this document; Teaching & Learning - Research Briefing: Enhancing primary literacy and mathematics through home-school knowledge exchanges (ISBN-978-0-85473-744-4). We intend to draw on all the lessons learnt in this project. - The first year phase of uLearn Naturally Radio will continue into and throughout the second year. In its second year we will explore ways to refine the core schedule and uLearn Naturally Radio services to address the future needs of uLearn HSKE. - It is our intention to raise the required funds and resources by the end of year two to enable uLearn HSKE to start in year three. --Year three will see uLearn Naturally Radio evolving into its optimal service idea and levels. We are developing project partnerships & collaborations:
General Info on HSKE practiceInspiration for our HSKE project
HOME SCHOOL KNOWLEDGE EXCHANGE (HSKE) PROJECT – EXPERIENCES FROM THE FIRST TWO YEARS - Leida Salway and Jan Winter - Graduate School of Education - University of Bristol. (BSRLM-IP-23-2-17).pdf UNICEF Knowledge Exchange Toolbox http://www.unicef.org/knowledge-exchange/index_82053.html |